The Hooge Crater Museum has become Belgium's best private WWI museum. With its life-size reconstructions of World War I battle scenes, its extensive collection of weapons, equipment and photographs, this museum is highly recommended.
During a visit to the Ypres Salient, Hooge and this unique war museum is an absolute must for the tourist, collector or historian!
The chapel, in which the museum is located, dates back from the early twenties. This chapel was built directly across the Hooge Crater cemetery in memory of the many fallen soldiers...
The museum exposes collections of two people: first of all, there is the collection of curator Niek Benoot and in addition, you can admire the collection of Phillipe Oosterlinck...
An original Ford T Ambulance of 1916 and a replica of a Fokker DR1 makes the whole experience of the life of a soldier in the Great War even more real...